Eco-Friendly Transportation
Choosing to walk, ride a bike, or take public transit (instead of using a car) are excellent ways to reduce your carbon footprint while getting exercise.
We also have information on electric vehicles.
Biking and Public Transit Resources
The good ol’ Red Line train.
Image Credit: Stephy Miehle
Active Transportation Alliance - a non-profit advocacy organization that works to improve conditions for bicycling, walking and transit, and engage people in healthy and active ways to get around.
Bike Lane Uprising - Use this app to help other bikers by reporting bike lane obstructions! This organization supports bike lanes and advocates for biker safety.
DIVVY Bike Rental - Regular and Electric bike rental information
DIVVY for Everyone - affordable transportation option for all eligible Chicago residents. Annual memberships start at $5 for unlimited rides.
Mellow Chicago Bike Map - Do you love biking but aren't comfortable riding in unprotected bike lanes on major streets? Check out this map, which shows the safest pathways for biking around the city.
Electric Vehicle Information and Resources
Community Charging Initiative - This non-profit organization is supporting equity in the electric vehicle (EV) ecosystem by building affordable, accessible and community-based charging options for neighborhoods across Chicago. You can learn more about becoming a host for a community charger HERE.
Drive Electric Chicago - the City of Chicago’s one stop shop for information on plug-in electric vehicles!
NormalNow - Computers seemed weird at first too, but now they’re normal. The same is true for electric vehicles! This website can help answer all your questions about electric vehicles.
Plugshare.com - Contains a detailed map of all electric vehicle charging locations across the world.
Incentive Calculator - use this page to find the tax incentives available for electric vehicle purchases in your area.
Banner Image Credit: Ahshea1 Media
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